Mike Pastore

Results 40 comments of Mike Pastore

Duh, we can just use the `revisionKey` as the ETag, and the `timestamp` is already being delivered by ember-cli-deploy-revision-data, so this should be easier than I thought...

Sinatra tries to [protect](http://www.sinatrarb.com/intro.html#Configuring%20attack%20protection) your app from [path traversal attacks](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Path_Traversal) by being very careful with URL-encoded request paths. You can make it work the way you want it to by...

> > Another way to do it without disabling path traversal attack protection would be to use a regex > > I'm pretty sure i tried that, and it didn't...

Your Discord account has been compromised and is being used to spam all the channels in the madMAx server. Please take immediate action to secure your account. ![capture01](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8540936/220478280-5127012d-dd15-4745-bc57-f57a725d340b.png)

We should probably send `formatted_attribute_name` and `attr_data`. EDIT: ...and to the unless method as well.

I think this would be a useful feature, but as temporary workarounds, these work fine: ```ruby attribute :created_at, &:iso8601 attribute :created_at, &->(obj) { obj.iso8601 } attribute :created_at, &ToISO8601.method(:call) # yuck...

@ziutech I love this idea so much. Not only does it sounds like good UX, but I can actually implement it without any (major) code changes today, and it mostly...

@TiagoCardoso1983 Are you using the `:active_model` Sequel plugin, then?

@TiagoCardoso1983 And forgive me for asking a stupid question, but do you actually need that plugin? 😄

Ah, okay, so you're doing sequel-rails. I haven't encountered this problem because I don't use the `:active_model` plugin, and I tend to stay away from Rails in general, but this...