Mike Pastore

Results 40 comments of Mike Pastore

I had the room bugged. 😉

Thanks @cail, I appreciate the quick response. Who can I reach out to for hardware support? Asus?

You're a lifesaver, @ChurruKa. Thank you!

@rubertu I had that issue with the 'id DESC' as well. Simply removing the ' DESC' from replication/CreateIndexes.sql (line 70) did the trick. Hope that helps.

Hi @senid231, thank you for reporting this issue. I'll take a look at it over the weekend.

Sinja draws the routes based on the symbol passed to the `resource` keyword. The symbol is dasherized and pluralized. Currently, there's no way to override this behavior, which is what...

Nothing you've described makes me think you need this feature. Do you have some time to chat with me on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/sinja-rb/Lobby) or somewhere else so I can help you work...

Same here. Also getting these error from prysm: ``` [2022-10-17 16:29:41] WARN rpc/validator: Not connected to ETH1. Cannot determine validator ETH1 deposit block number [2022-10-17 16:29:42] ERROR powchain: Unable to...

Oh man, I thought I had a bad flash and I've been trying to short those two frustratingly tiny pads for the past hour to get into the bootloader via...

I suspect that it would be way above my skill level, after reviewing both components last night, but I will certainly give it a try. Thanks @achambers!