Mike Pastore

Results 27 issues of Mike Pastore

Warning when using `sinatra-sequel` since 2011 (see issue#5 originally opened by @cactus): ``` Sinatra::Base#options is deprecated and will be removed, use #settings instead. ```

Got a weird one here. Not sure if it's intentional but I suspect not. Essentially, changing any buffered property of an ember-changeset causes the observers of all buffered properties to...

The alternate syntax is useful if you need access to other events (such as focusOut) without creating your own component.

Running a simple app on Puma under JRuby (in single mode with many threads), I've noticed that a single `use` statement in my Sinatra class definition causes that piece of...

waiting for feedback

Since an attribute can have multiple messages from multiple validators, it doesn't seem too far fetched to add support for multiple messages from a single validator. For example, I have...

I have an API endpoint `/api/foos` that returns a collection of `Foo`s. Each `Foo` `belongsTo` a (has one) `Bar`, and the related link comes over in the JSON-API payload as...


I'm retrieving a user with sideloaded identities, adding (additional) identities, and saving the user. If the user already has some identities, it works fine. However, if they don't, and I...

Consider the model: ```javascript import Model from 'ember-data/model'; import attr from 'ember-data/attr'; export default Model.extend({ country: attr('string'), // e.g. US region: attr('string'), // e.g. Illinois locality: attr('string'), // e.g. Chicago...

Here is a first swag at adding `(sort)` and `(reverse-sort)` helpers. These simplified versions of the `(sort-by)` helper allow users to computed-sort arrays of values and not just arrays of...

This is a weird one, so forgive me for going off-issue-template with this report. I'm using ember-composable-helpers 2.0.1 with Ember 2.14-beta. I have two actions: one that removes an element...