Marsel Valitov

Results 6 issues of Marsel Valitov

I installed the package following the documentation in main.ts: ``` import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n' Vue.use(VueI18n) ``` put the file with translation messages.ts: ``` export const messages = { en: {...

I ran into a problem that I could not solve. I have two computers, both asdf and elixir 1.6 are installed on them. At the same time on one computer...

help wanted

How to reset the currently selected date range?

with headers: ``` require 'net-http2' # create a client client ="") # send request response =, '/httpbin/headers', headers: { 'x-custom' => 'custom' }) # read the response response.ok?...

thanks for the library! I use the elixir version 1.6, and from time to time I get the following error: `2018-12-11 11:56:53.657 [error] Bad value on output port 'udp_inet'` Do...

If I understand correctly, the proxy is not supported at the moment? Is it planned to support a proxy?