Results 13 issues of Mustafa Keskin

I want to fast prediction in GPU docker run -it --gpus all -p8080:8080 notaitech/nudenet:detector Not use gpu :(

Hello Find_duplicates case too slow for CNN encoder `imagededup/imagededup/handlers/search/` I think sklearn cosine_similarity function slower. If you use [faiss]( or [nmslib]( for vector search it would be more convenient ![image](

research topic

Hello, While training the retrieval-based model, when I add side features, the model stops learning and I get much worse results than just id-based information. I use information such as...

Hello i want query my vector with knn But I got error **DSL class `script_score` does not exist in query.** ``` ms = MultiSearch(using=es, index="image-search") for vector in vectors :...

Hello Deepcheck always evulate F1, acc, precision and recall. I would like it to be included in metrics such as hitrate@k, ndcg@k, apart from classical metrics. If there is an...

needs triage

First i will explain code I took the code here and analyzed it. [class RemoveAccidentalHits(tf.keras.layers.Layer)]( ``` import tensorflow as tf # MIN_FLOAT MIN_FLOAT = 1e-8 # Örnek veri oluştur batch_size...

First I run docker given command ``` docker run --gpus all --rm -it \ -p 8888:8888 -p 8797:8787 -p 8796:8786 --ipc=host \ /bin/bash ``` I want to try first...


# ❓ Questions & Help ## Details I want to built ranking model using pre-train embeddings 1) I can train a model using embedding lookups, but the input of the...


Hello I think google ban my ip I want to send request using proxy How i can use proxy BackTranslation


We cant pickle wc_embed objects How we can predict this repo in deployment `AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'get_dicts_generator..get_dicts'`