Results 8 comments of Mustafa Keskin

You can do it simple command **cat extracted/wiki_en | sed "/^\s*\$/d" | grep -v "^

Any progress here

Hello u need to change 2 code First one change your dataset object like this ``` train_tf = x:{'sku':x['sku'], 'userid':x['userid'], "candidate_sampling_probabilities":x["candidate_sampling_probabilities"]}) ``` Secondly you need to change your model...

Do you have data generator from given corpus?

> if just use cpu to run Goturn,i7 6700hq,less 10FPS. Goturn single object tracking i7 8750h 30-35 fps

I have same question how we can calculate confussion matrix using seqeval library

How to change Swagger hostname? http://localhost:5000/employee to In localhost swagger work but in the cloud not work.

I think proxies not work MNGR: Port 24000 updated MNGR: Port 24001 updated I have 2 proxy services which running on ports 24000 and 24001 ``` from BackTranslation import BackTranslation...