Emiliano Jankowski

Results 15 issues of Emiliano Jankowski

The private variable was not defined. This issue https://github.com/mustela/php-ga/commit/4a887f851bff9ad5255705162d36454530fc7d53, was actually because the variable $page didn't exists.

Hey guys, I have this configuration ``` algoliasearch(algolia_settings) do attribute :name, :featured_image_url, :description, :created_at, :updated_at, :organization_id, :id, :website_url attribute(:places) { places.map(&:to_index) } attribute(:tags) { tags_to_index } attributesToIndex [:name] customRanking ["asc(name)"]...


Hello there! It may be a silly question, but I can't seem to be find a way to change the urls from `/#documentationgetting_started` to `/documentations/getting-started`. I've try setting global definitions...

What is happening is when you save a file and the formatter runs it just hangs indefinitely. If I hit cancel the file will format properly and finish saving. I've...

Hey there! Sorry if this is a stupid question but Im new with kube. So I have all running, and prom is successfully monitoring the cluster, but if I try...

Hey guys, when trying to run the app `mix phx.server`, Im having ``` == Compilation error in file web/views/layout_view.ex == ** (RuntimeError) unexpected EEx.Engine state: {:safe, [{:|, [], [{:__block__, [],...

type: question

The operator was added to the widget, now you can choose between add/in http://wordpress.org/support/topic/list-view-does-not-update-correctly

Hey there! Im trying to use the last ecto version but having an issue with this lib dependency. ``` Dependencies have diverged: * ecto (Hex package) the dependency ecto 3.4.0...

Is it possible to group manually a couple of libs to have more than one vendor.js file? Since your project has several libs, the file size is huge, and take...