What do you mean? The plugin just adds PL/SQL syntax highlighting and some snippets. I did not do any PL/SQL programming for the past 2 years (and looks like I...
The package doesn't define a build target for sublime. I assume it's possible with a custom build calling the sqlplus binary.
Not sure if that's even possible in Sublime Text. You can edit the snippet on your box or add new ones. Alternatively if you find a way to implement that...
+1 for that :)
I had the same issue following []( The regress can't start the cluster as the `awolk` user has no permissions to the `/var/run/postgresql` directory, which I believe was created by...
I know I'm late to the party but considering how popular this gem is (rubygems downloads and stars here) it might be worth sorting out. VideoJS is licensed under Apache...
pgvector is now available on Azure: * Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server Follow [this page]( to enable `vector` in the allowed extensions and then simply `CREATE EXTENSION vector;` on...
> @mulander Seems like extension `vector` is not yet available in Azure Flexible Server (also not present in [this doc]( Do you know when it will be in general availability?...
I can confirm buggy behavior on 0.5.5rc1 CPU climbing up when pause is clicked from r-click menu. In my case I observed it climbing up to about 97% cpu usage...
I can confirm reproducing the same issue (100% CPU usage) tested on commit: * master 0bb060f Merge pull request #201 from marco-m/travis-enable-linux