shinyMCE copied to clipboard
tinyMCE editor for Shiny apps
Hi Misha, Any plans to update this great editor package to tinyMCE5 as tinyMCE4.x is no longer supported: "**access to online services for TinyMCE 4 will be switched off on...
The previous link was dead.
I've got erorr: devtools::install_github("shinyMCE", "mul118") Error in parse_repo_spec(repo) : Invalid git repo specification: 'shinyMCE'
Using devtools::install_github("shinyMCE", "mul118") fails.
#4: Multiple Editors via renderUI: runApp(list( ui = fluidPage( #With renderUI, necessary to load the resource first: singleton(tags$head(tags$script(src ="//"))), fluidRow( column(6, offset = 3, h2('tinyMCE Editors:'), uiOutput('editor1'), hr(), uiOutput('editor2') )...