shinyMCE copied to clipboard
renderUI + tinyMCE fails if tinymce lib not loaded beforehand
#4: Multiple Editors via renderUI:
runApp(list( ui = fluidPage( #With renderUI, necessary to load the resource first: singleton(tags$head(tags$script(src ="//"))), fluidRow( column(6, offset = 3, h2('tinyMCE Editors:'), uiOutput('editor1'), hr(), uiOutput('editor2') ) ) ),
server = function(input, output, session) { output$editor1 <- renderUI({tinyMCE('editor1', 'Editor 1')}) output$editor2 <- renderUI({tinyMCE('editor2', 'Editor 2')}) } ))
Dear @mul118 , thank you for this great package!
Is there any possibility that this solution could work offline? That doesn't depend on tinymce.min.js? I tried downloading the file and placing inside www folder but it doesn't work unless I use that link...