Shawn Fang
Shawn Fang
- Add file for Java [Pefer to get it done before 2022 Sep] - Drive it to get it done for all 4 languages. [Deadline: Before 2022 October]
- Added extractive summarization feature back to TA - Waiting to have PPE endpoint and then testing this PR. - Will add the bespoke methods in the next Beta.
reference: The service returns warnings in a warn-code and warn-text headers, design the SDK experience for exposing those warnings.
(1) It is possible that AOAI error message is different between different models. For example, `gpt-35-turbo`, we could have ``` { message: 'Unrecognized request argument supplied: tools', type: 'invalid_request_error', param:...
- Hid `getAudioTranscriptionAsPlainTextWithResponse` and `getAudioTranslationAsPlainTextWithResponse` methods from `OpenAIClient` and `OpenAIAsyncClient` classes. - Added new properties `ImageGenerationContentFilterResults contentFilterResults` and `ImageGenerationPromptFilterResults promptFilterResults` in `ImageGenerationData` class to support filtering results. - Added new...
We should use policy to make the switch between AOAI and OAI in next release. We should not manually update every generated method as this will not allow us to...