https://dddcommunity.org/wp-content/uploads/files/pdf_articles/Vernon_2011_1.pdf This article helped me a lot. I was facing a similar problem.
@d3viant0ne did you abandon this change / project?
I migrated to https://www.npmjs.com/package/svg-url-loader and it works fine for me. In case anyone else is interested. I removed all dependency to this lib.
If I add the sync grant it works! So "invite resource" doesn't work with caldav, you also need the sync grant, probably this should be decoupled? Or at least any...
Also maybe worth to mention that there are finally reasonably priced SAAS packages. This also fits for private usage https://www.tine-groupware.de/produkt/groupware/ You could have told me earlier, I just migrated my...
I don't use twitter :/
https://github.com/tine20/tine20/releases/tag/2022.08.13.154 Seems to work
OK. It's probably not related to iMIP. It only happens in shared containers but I search for this problem in personal containers so I can't tell for sure. Easiest example...
Yes. Still. This happens with apple calendar . Probably same as #7028
@hejNord I could verify this one, CardDAV also doens't work on my setup while CalDAV is working just fine.