Max Shenfield
Max Shenfield
When grabbing allmighy-autocomplete through bower, it isn't friendly and doesn't declare angular as a dependency. This causes grunt bower_concat to place allmighty-autocomplete before angular - causing some confusing errors when...
Implement profiles for each version, and add to testall alias to simplify cross version testing. Update one test for cross-compatibility. The threading macro `->` was changed to output a complete...
Upgrade clojail to work with the latest stable release of Clojure (1.7 as of today). This lays the groundwork for TryClojure to use Clojure 1.7, as mentioned in Raynes/tryclojure/issues/53.
It would be handy to support the [`environment`]( configuration block. This is a convenient way to make the attributes of other `resource`s, like an S3 bucket name, available to a...
The current design is efficient, but doesn't introduce Parcel well to new users. For example, it doesn't say what will happen when I enter my address.  that would allow the user to: * link directly to a filled out search including "Everything" * (optionally) link directly to a filled out search,...
In the design, zones are shown with a friendly color coding. In general, we should have a consistent mapping of Zone Categories to colors. The full list of Zone Categories...