Michael Sambol

Results 7 comments of Michael Sambol

@chrisrhymes Tagging you since you posted something similar [here](https://community.apollographql.com/t/apollo-gateway-local-dev-with-self-signed-certificates/2660).

> @chrisrhymes Tagging you since you posted something similar [here](https://community.apollographql.com/t/apollo-gateway-local-dev-with-self-signed-certificates/2660). @chrisrhymes Did you have success in getting past this?

@clenfest I was able to get this to work, thanks for digging! Not `fetcher.defaults` (I might be missing an import?), but the code below: ``` const gateway = new ApolloGateway({...

I investigated this from the CDK side. One blocker is see is that `PasswordLength` is not found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-secretsmanager-rotationschedule-hostedrotationlambda.html.

Exemption Request: I need a GitHub access token to update the integration test: Could not find access token for server type github. I think it's OK with no integration test...

> Could you add an integ test for these enums? The integ tests helps prevent regressions. See my exemption request above. I think I need an access token? Happy to,...

@comcalvi The webhooks are [only available](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v2/docs/aws-cdk-lib.aws_codebuild.Source.html) on GitHub and BitBucket. I looked at doing an integration test with CodeCommit, but not possible here. Let me know how you want to...