
Results 9 comments of mrxrsd

There is another issue related to precedence, I don't know if it is the same root cause. The expression "-(1*2)^2" it is expected "-4" but it was returned "4".

Not according to google and wolfram alpha =p*2%29%5E2*2)%5E2

+1 Like Fabian said, it is pretty stable. I'm using in production since last year in my dotnet core 3.1 services.

Hi! Like Julian I need decimal support. So I've just updated Julian's solution of decimal's support. All doubles tests are passing but need to create some tests for decimals calculations...

100% passed in all tests (double and decimal). I've replicated all double's tests with the new decimal engine.

> @mrxrsd thanks for the work on supporting Decimal - we'd really like to have this vetted and moved to the main build of Jace. Seeing as how it was...

Is anyone aware of a planned data Dog exporter? I've saw there are others languages but dotnet not yet.

I was trying to do this just right now. I've tought it will be possible like we pass formatters to json using static variables. It will be a great feature!...

This will be a huge breakthrough! I think we shouldn't couple our domain with justsaying specific implementations. In Masstransit we can do this but it uses message envelope which is...