Piotr Laszczkowski
Piotr Laszczkowski
Hi @floribon We have to discuss about this issue in the core-team, but for now we can recommend a workaround: http://plnkr.co/edit/lHsfQwhHLgJgdLOW1ntN?p=preview
Hi @zoladkow, in your case, you have to use `unlisten()`: http://plnkr.co/edit/Jn9gHBgCTUjEkuhb9157?p=preview Selection will stay without any changes but all mounted events will by stopped. When you click on the table,...
Hi @wensonsmith, @alwayszb, We merged wrapper for Vue.js into our main repository, [handsontable/handsontable](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable). Now library and wrapper are available in monorepo. We also transfer all issues into one common [issue...
> I think I got one. Seen a similar suggestion in another topic. Is it possible to include it in the next release at some point? > > ``` >...
@wojciechczerniak: Could you add an example of how to get this error?
Hi @edmodelorg, Here is a simple demo with `next/dynamic` with disabled `ssr`: https://codesandbox.io/s/serene-ardinghelli-0z1zb I used an optional `loading` component (https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/dynamic-import#with-custom-loading-component). It works but I'd say it's a workaround. The problem...
We classified this issue as a ~bug due to the increasing usage of SSR~ improvement suggestion. Before we start working on this bug, we suggest using the above workarounds.
In my opinion, our use of global `window` is a bug, and most likely, it breaks SSR not only for Nextjs. But I wouldn't like to haggle about it. I...
Hi @jlhjr, @underfisk, We merged wrapper for React into our main repository, [handsontable/handsontable](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable). Now library and wrapper are available in monorepo. We also transfer all issues into one common [issue...
Hi @simkimsia, We merged wrapper for React into our main repository, [handsontable/handsontable](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable). Now library and wrapper are available in monorepo. We also transfer all issues into one common [issue board](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues),...