Twitch just added an ability to "thread" chat messages as replies to other chat messages. We should consider doing something with these... possibly: (a) turning replies to chat commands into...
There is a PyPI module for building regexes for recognising unicode confusables: We should integrate that into the spam filter somehow. Like, instead of having the filter text be...
The commands edit page needs some sort of protection against multiple people editing at once. Currently, if two people are editing at once, then one will overwrite the other's contributions...
If a user gets timed out, any sub messages or bits or whatnot should be removed and/or hidden from the notifications page. For both if you already have the page...
If you try to open the lrrbot website on multiple tabs, then the CSRF token on one tab will override the other and you won't be able to use forms...
The discord mods should have access to lrrbot's mod-only commands Seems like something we could make use of...
When we get a moderator action, trying to log that (to Slack, for #loadingreadyrun, or to GDocs, for #desertbus) is failing. I suspect the default timeout of 5 seconds is...
[Well, V5 didn't last very long, did it...](
As suggested in-chat by dialMforMara, the `context` for quotes should be searchable. It probably should just be treated the same as the actual quote body. Fulltext-index it, and make the...