Ian Nebbiolo
Ian Nebbiolo
So if they're nested in a div that is set to display none, that might explain the problem. I can't post a URL I'm afraid, but I will give that...
I'm also having this problem. Wondering if there is something I can do to patch it up in the meantime. Would be keen to have a fix for this.
I have a workaround for a similar issue that may solve your problem. It requires a small change to the a the line that sets up the audio session. https://github.com/floatinghotpot/cordova-plugin-nativeaudio/issues/75
P.s. Thanks for the Plugin!
If you're adding an in-app mute function, could you not just wrap your play functions in a boolean check?
Oh I see, that would indeed be a useful feature.
Did you find a solution to this?
I'm also having this problem, and am wondering if it's related to the deletion of site from the sites list. We had 5 languages for our site, but dropped the...
I can confirm my issue is caused by a deleted site. Changing the `dateDeleted` column in the the `craft_sites` table fixes the issue. Reinstating the `dateDeleted` causes the problem to...