Marcel Weiher
Marcel Weiher
Thanks for the heads-up! This is supposed to be a soft dependency, meaning if you have MPWTest/testlogger installed on your system it runs the tests. If you don't, it just...
Did you follow step 3 in the README? 3. Open Objective-Smalltalk/objective-smalltalk.xcworkspace
Hmm...I may have been a bit too clever trying to work around the difficulty of building libssh fat. In MPWFoundation, build the ObjectiveSSH target once manually. That should put the...
Yep, brew it was. I keep going back-and-forth on how to integrate external dependencies like that. Quickest/easiest solution is to add your location to the search paths.
OK, I've removed the dependency on ObjectiveSSH, by introducing an SSHConnection protocol in MPWFoundation. That means you should now be able to compile Stsh.framework (and thus stsh) without needing libssh.
That looks a lot like a generic Xcode build system bug/problem. Typical Xcode incantations should help, starting with cleaning the target, maybe restart Xcode, the works... :-/
13.4. Hmm.
I've disabled the stsh prefix header in the Build settings of the stsh target.
Hi Tony, thanks for the feedback! The issue you raise is one I've been struggling for some time and going back and forth as well. There were two issues I...
Additionally, JPEG has the ability to extract thumbnails at lower cost than decode + downsample, so take advantage of that.