Michael P Schroeder
Michael P Schroeder
Hi I have an issue with the plots, that are not drawn. I tried within a Jupyter notebook and a regular Julia console. Taking the MountainCar example: If I run...
Hi I am trying to use a GTF file to annotate the VCF. I do not find a use case so I just tried with my best guess: ``` [[annotation]]...
Hi On Ubuntu Linux, the for awk for-loops in the execution script are making problems, as the used syntax is only supported by an extension to the GNU-awk, as described...
Hi I have run cufflinks on the same bamfile, twice with an important difference: - once with the --GTF option, a normal run (below `cufflinks` folder), - and once with...
Would it be possible to include the social button for each picture? In the Google plus album each photo is getting a +1 button. It would be great to have...
Hi I run into the problem, that the qc_report fails because of missing R libraries. It would be great if you would write all the dependencies in the README. As...