Michael P Schroeder
Michael P Schroeder
OK, so the value is not selected according to the name field? Particularly in the GTF different lines may have different values at a certain column, depending on the element...
Well in my case I just tought of annotating the variant in the .vcf with the EXON_ID(s) and CCDS_ID(s) from ensembl. So only values from the exon-element lines should be...
I was looking through the code and trying to figure out what module is missing for supporting true `GTF` compatibility. Since I am not familiar with the language, I get...
Hi Honestly, I feel a bit lost with the go-language and I am not sure I'd get it even working. I'll see if you find a solution - I reckon...
That would be great. I gave it a try a couple of month ago with the jHeatmap component: https://github.com/jheatmap/jheatmap-ipython
That's cool guys - I once did a small study on the jHeatmap component: https://github.com/jheatmap/jheatmap-ipython Feel free to use it as a use-case - I guess it is a good...
@juanrubio Do you have an idea what is needed / what obstacles have to be tackled for this feature? As I would love to see this feature I'd like to...