Matthew Pitropov
Matthew Pitropov
We don't have an official conversion script at the moment, but a student who has graduated has created a conversion script in a repo that is no longer maintained but...
A previous student has created a kitti to cadc conversion script located here I plan on bringing this script over to this repo eventually with the addition of lidar...
The script is still valid since there have been no changes in the format of CADC. If there are issues with the conversion then you can post them here.
I could be missing something but I think this line outputs the 2D bounding box: `f.write('{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} '.format(x_min_set, y_min_set, x_max_set, y_max_set)) #pixel`
Hi, in some of my example demo files I did the following: 1. Transform the cuboid to the camera frame that I want, followed by filtering out negative z values...
This script: 1. 2. Multiple of these lines: 3. Multiple of these lines: The filtering could be modified. Currently, it removes cars if even one corner...
Hi, I'm not sure of the change to the final accuracy as I didn't train a model with the KITTI values to compare my results. I decided to calculate them...
There are too many topics being discussed in this issue. I have not used either mmdetection and mmdetection3D but I have used OpenPCDet. I got CADC working on it by...
Yes, you don't need the distortion coefficients. Adding them shouldn't hurt anything though.
Have you looked at and compared the raw and processed datasets? It sounds like you are running undistort on images that I already undistorted. Can you add a comparison? An...