mark padgham

Results 321 comments of mark padgham

Yes, something like that definitely should happen. But it'll be tricky to accurately identify "other authors", and i can imagine we may well end up needing some kind of explicit...

Yes, but also what i meant is that submitting authors are also free to mention *all* other authors of pkg, including "cph" authors and the like who might not have...

I'm entirely sympathetic with isolating functions inside other functions, but for better or worse that runs contrary to what rOpenSci expects and encourages. Putting them outside helps avoid messy implicit...

I put this question out to the rOpenSci slack group: > Is there an rOpenSci stance on nested functions? I've got a PR with lots of nested fns and have...

Yeah, it's an interesting minefield all this stuff, and at the end all one can do is be opinionated one way or the other. Which made me realise that `osmplotr`...

I still get an error on this: ``` > bbox coast % add_osm_feature (key = "natural", value = "coastline") %>% osmdata_sf (quiet = FALSE) > coast_poly

okay, i see. Then there are a few options, but the easiest is likely a simple ``` if (!is.list (startidx)) startidx

great stuff! Thanks so much for all the work here

Please just send another PR as soon as you can - I've already accepted the last one, so am just waiting for the improved version of the unrolling functions

thanks a lot @MathieuMarauri! What you want should now be implemented: ``` tignes_box