mark padgham

Results 322 comments of mark padgham

Yes it does. There's an issue on the repo that I'll flag later about the London tube system and interchanges which are only implicit yet not proper geometric intersections. We...

`osmdata`used to actually have that ability back in the days before I properly understood OSM and didn't realise that it was redundant. Easily reimplemented

@hanecakr The error was because your URL field was markdown-style: "\[url\](url)", and should just be plain "url". I've edited to fix; you should now be able to call `@ropensci-review-bot check...

Yeah, that would be entirely possible, and would be a nice enhancement. It'd likely be best written as a separate function for maximal efficiency. I'll let you know here when...

Re-opened until the `georange` function has been documented in the vignette

So you mean that `georange` could or should also return the ID values corresponding to the min & max values? Yeah, that would obviously be useful. It would likely be...

@osorensen Apologies once again, with recent [organisational]( [changes]( this once again fell through the cracks. We are now finally on it. How are you positioned if we finally get the...

@osorensen We'd still like to work with you to get this through our review process. How about one of the following options: 1. We put the submission on hold here,...

great that `decido` is on CRAN! Nice work! I'll have a ponder of the other stuff tomorrow and get back to you

I just mean a list of all points in all triangles which include a given point. That would translate in `TRI$vertex` to finding all vertices which occur in same row...