Jens von Bergmann
Jens von Bergmann
Could do that. One issue is that it blows up the dependencies. Easy to set this up for CI. The idea behind leaflet was that it's a lightweight way to...
Implemented in v0.5.4 candidate.
Just to clarify, what signature do you propose? Scrap the `factor` argument and replace it by `f` or `distribution` that can be of type character or function? ``` st_jitter %...
If you are looking to fill a polygon with points you probably want to use [`st_sample()`]( instead of `st_jitter`. If you are looking for something more complicated like jittering a...
In theory yes, that's an interesting demo. In practice I think this needs some thought. 1. Accuracy is going to be an issue, and this implementation displays the SQL for...
Thanks for flagging, that's a bug. Will investigate and fix. In the meantime, you can get the accurate population by querying the census vector ``` cancensus::get_census("2021",regions=list(CMA=c("35505","505","24505")),vectors=c("v_CA21_1")) |> select(GeoUID,`Region Name`,`v_CA21_1: Population,...
Good comments here. I agree that pure ransom rounding is not optimal. In general I am less worried about artefacts due to random rounding, typical selections of scaling factors will...
Adding the following line to KalViewController.m solves the issue: -(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder{return [self init];}
I also wonder if this trend line approach is already implemented in other R packages that specialize in trend line like [e.g. the trend package](
Yes, but it's still only an internal function and might change in the future. You can access it already with the triple-column notation, but be aware that it is still...