Mike F

Results 29 comments of Mike F

@chhquan Maybe change this ```go func (c *Client) hasResource() bool { c.mLock.Lock() defer c.mLock.Unlock() if len(c.m) > 0 || len(c.ms) > 0 { return true } return false } ```...

And in case !c.connsCleanerRun && !connectionClose new connection is connectionClosed we do not need to count it as a connection, maybe since we should no register such a connections in...

I mean replace this ```go if c.connsCount == 1 { startCleaner = true } ``` maybe with this, not sure regarding connectionCounting maybe skip increasing connection counter in case connectionClose...

In fact I didn't see any worse difference in deadline accuracy with application running 15k goroutines each creating, read+writing and closing TCP connection per cycle with 32 logical cores, but...

I am working on https://github.com/golang/go/pull/50170 to make it work with windows as well

@erikdubbelboer, such a feature will be useful! I guess I have a patch for this, to skip downloading in case mime type in headers not expected, but not inside the...

but it works like skip body if unwanted header met, and not allows to download body in chunks and check it for mime type

Hello, @jdalton! Can you give an use case example for composition of this functions?

@jdalton, may I follow ECMA to implement SameValueZero functionality and why you doesn't like private method 'eq'?