Mike F

Results 29 comments of Mike F

@mangalaman93 added DequeueAppend in order to get rid of allocations on dequeue

Crawler queue of links, sometimes when too many errors occur, its better to start crawling new website that's why cleanup existing queue. But I solve it already with queue based...

So, new api will looks like configuration file per statefulset of metacontroller?

So, I has ```yaml childResources: - apiVersion: v1 resource: pods - apiVersion: v1 resource: persistentvolumeclaims - apiVersion: voyager.for.example resource: ingress - apiVersion: v1 resource: services updateStrategy: method: InPlace ``` When...

Probably, because of your metacontroller built without concurrency in mind, two or more request can be received at the same time to webhook handler about updates, so, maybe in one...

Metacontroller as I know, worked in multithreaded way (5 worker goroutines, it's the last number I remembered), so this situation is possible if two+ changes made quickly, handler can processed...