I would like to report a few issues/bugs with the latest version of Fizeau. I am not sure if these are expected or even resolvable but thought they were worth...
Hello, I've been trying to dump an encrypted RAWNAND with passthrough zeroes checked but the option does not seem to work reliably. Upon checking in a hexeditor the dump is...
Hello, Would it be possible for hekate to offer a "passthrough zeroes" nand dump option where unallocated data is zeroed out similar to what PC tools like hacdiskmount and nxnandmanager...
Hello there, Would you consider adding a toggle to hide all titles that are set to "System", something similar to what sys-clk does but for ReverseNX, so "Show applications with...
I'm shown MarikoHoagSamsung1y8gbX (Switch Lite) on an Aula (OLED) model. I think hekate has better details that could be used in this app, mine is 24 on the list there:...