Vytenis Bivainis

Results 8 issues of Vytenis Bivainis

Liquibase writes directly to System.out instead of writing through a configured logger in a Spring Boot Application. This is unexpected to the consumer of System.out, which expects, for example, JSON...


What's the point of having different packages `com.saasovation.identityaccess.application` and `com.saasovation.identityaccess.application.command`? * If you use `AssignUserToRoleCommand`, you use `AccessApplicationService`. If you use `AccessApplicationService`, you use `AssignUserToRoleCommand`. If classes are used together,...

I can see only metadata after clicking "Go To Definition" or "Go To Definition - Native". See the video attached (can be played in a Microsoft Explorer). [2020-04-02_2347.zip](https://github.com/SLaks/Ref12/files/4423676/2020-04-02_2347.zip)

Unfortunately, default provider in Fedora is not `virtualbox`, so `vagrant up` does not work, `vagrant up --provider=virtualbox` is needed. An explanation in a text balloon would be welcome. :) Thanks...

It fails with: Annotation processor 'org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor' not found https://discuss.gradle.org/t/annotation-processing-fails-in-gradle/30289 https://github.com/monrealis/gradle-jpa-test https://scans.gradle.com/s/oieh6sjd4bhwq

- Exit with nonzero status if QUnit tests fail. - Make QUnit tests run in Linux.

I would like to propose`dotnet-stack report -p ` to report additionally source file names and line numbers, similar to how `jstack` does. It would help to better understand what the...


Would you be interested in publishing your library to Maven central repository? http://central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-central-repository-upload.html