Abdul Monim

Results 5 issues of Abdul Monim

Recently a [ReadTheDocs documentation](https://django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) has been published for the project. I tried to make the documentation as detailed as I can but it still needs improvements which is not a...

help wanted
good first issue

This issue is based on the discussions on #687 Our API developers provide swagger.json URL to ui team, the ui team imports the collection from that URL. As the API...

feature request

The aileron-400 font small "i" shows up as capital "I", I have checked the issue to persist in ttf, woff and woff2 formats, demonstrated in this [jsfiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/monim67/3qp6a8ed/). The svg format...

Marshmallow now has [fields.Enum](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/marshmallow.fields.html#marshmallow.fields.Enum) from version 3.18. Using this in `ModelConverter.SQLA_TYPE_MAPPING` for enum fields raises exception. ```py class ExtendedModelConverter(ModelConverter): SQLA_TYPE_MAPPING = { **ModelConverter.SQLA_TYPE_MAPPING, Enum: fields.Enum, } ``` Stacktrace: ``` File...

Can we have a `send_mass_sms` function like django email feature [send_mass_mail](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/topics/email/#send-mass-mail)? If we do will it be possible to leverage mass email sending capabilities of custom backends if supported?