> I'd only received 12674 sats, rest lost) @anrapas Your funds probably were in pending waiting for the timelock to expire. By now they should be in your wallet. >...
@uccuh LND doesn't use BIP39 which is what Electrum uses. LND uses `aezeed cipher seed`, info: None other wallets have the same cipher seed scheme so you have to...
@velgard1 I've been running just about every version of the lightning-app on windows 10 which is 64-bit but I've never had this issue. So after reading your post I downloaded...
> Similar issue with electron: electron-userland/electron-builder#2168 ``` develar commented on Oct 8, 2017 Electron builder 13 is old. Please use latest version. ``` OP doesn't say which bit version...
@tanx I just found out that the app is actually a 64-bit app on Windows. And why is it that I'm running only one app but it takes 3 processes...
@tanx I think i got the app built for both platforms.. This is what i have in `package.json`: ``` "win": { "artifactName": "${productName}-win32-${arch}v${version}.${ext}", "extraResources": "assets/bin/win32/lnd.exe", "icon": "assets/app-icon/desktop.ico", "target": [ {...
@enoughofme You made a mistake here: > During force close, I had to restore wallet with seed. You didn't have to restore the wallet with seed because of a force...
@maltokyo > Restore worked fine but all my on-chain balance (I had no lightning balance at all, as it was “in progress” for more than a week) disappeared. I'm confused...
@STAWKEYE I've seen this same issue, plus txs for opening channels already have many confirmations but on the `CHANNELS` screen it still says "Pending Open". But these txs show confirmed...
@valentinewallace @tanx How come the keyboard of my android app doesn't have any comma and letters?