When it works, I refresh it again and it fails again
> @moluuser Does this occur during local testing or after you've published your site? Both ways will appear. I use github and cloudflare page to publish my site.
Hugo config: ```yaml baseurl: "" languageCode: "en-us" title: "" theme: "hugo-tania" paginate: 6 copyright: "" params: # Emoji will show before the blog title on site navbar. titleEmoji: "🍭" #...
Mac运行起来太不容易了。。。不知道这是Apple Silicon的坑还是Python的坑。。。
I modifiy `` file to solved this problem. Paths in `` should be consistent with `download_models.json`. ``` python \ checkpoints/stylegan2_lions_512_pytorch.pkl \ checkpoints/stylegan2_dogs_1024_pytorch.pkl \ checkpoints/stylegan2_horses_256_pytorch.pkl \ checkpoints/stylegan2_elephants_512_pytorch.pkl \ checkpoints/stylegan2-ffhq-512x512.pkl \...
@0xMatthew Can you share your CUDA version? It's not work for me. Driver Version: 535.146.02 CUDA Version: 12.2
Strangely, the following code can output normally, but running the project still got "CUDA is not available. Disabling". I tried all the methods above. ``` import torch use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()...
Hi, maybe below code can help you. ```python if os.path.exists(pc_path): print('load point cloud...') with open(pc_path, 'rb') as f: pc = pickle.load(f) else: print('draw point cloud...') pc = get_point_cloud_from_image(image_path) with open(pc_path,...