Dávid Molnár

Results 257 comments of Dávid Molnár

@kiminuo can you give me a short brief on how this was solved by #8827?

We are already using the latest (stable) version. I suggest only upgrading this if we have a good reason to do so - it works flawlessly. With the upgrade, we...

> Payjoins are displayed wrong in the transaction history. It puts them in the wabisabi coinjoin badge and collapses it with the other self spend coinjoins. > > It should...

> These are the three IDs in the order of the picture, but non of the incoming amounts shown in Wasabi are actually in this transaction. Is this related to...

I am not sure if this was fixed or not.

> @molnard Was it on RegTest? MainNet.

> Might be related to #8582? Yes I think so.

We need a failing test case for this. And an investigation.

No proof, neither repro.