Dávid Molnár

Results 257 comments of Dávid Molnár

> tACK [724f96a](https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/pull/9149/commits/724f96a56bca8e912503878c3ceffa292c123714) > > It works, but only with `sudo apt install ./wasabi-` It does not work with `dpkg -i ./wasabi-` > > I guess that is expected, then...

Alright, you guys seem to be dedicated to having this change.

@Kixunil Please take a look at your twitter PMs.

It is not good if there is no guidance on how to reproduce neither log or video.

Solved by? https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/pull/8997

I guess the user wants to see how much he will "send out" of the wallet, instead of the sum of the outputs. It can be quite a complex task...

On this screen, you will just have a signed tx. You don't know anything else about it. Maybe it is your tx, maybe coming from a HW, maybe coming from...

Concept ACK, CI is failing, can you fix it?

I suggest to prioritize this PR before anything else in the repo, otherwise, you will get conflicts again and again. @BTCparadigm @MaxHillebrand @yahiheb
