Dávid Molnár

Results 257 comments of Dávid Molnár

> signed text file containing the hash of each package We already have a lot of files, I would try to avoid them if possible. Is that hard to add...

> Also we can do this by only adding one additional file, I guess that is a good enough tradeoff. Alright. @Szpoti can you play a bit with this? Try...

I would try this: 1. Go through all the bytes in the file and add them to the hash method SHA256 alg. 2. The result of the hashing is and...

Wasabi has crashed. ``` Exception type: System.InvalidOperationException Message: Sequence contains no elements Stack Trace: at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoElementsException() at System.Linq.Enumerable.Aggregate[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`3 func) at WalletWasabi.Fluent.Models.Pocket.Merge(Pocket[] pocketArray, Pocket[] pockets) in WalletWasabi.Fluent\Models\Pocket.cs:line 37 at...

Packager needs to be reconsidered in a way for being able to run on the CI. Do not spend time on it, it makes no sense for someone to build...

I think this is a good idea. The concept is not figured out exactly. The attack vectors are not clear.

> After the transaction was sent (successfully), the exception below has been thrown and the application restarted with the crash reporter. Improvement idea (not solving the whole issue!) - The...

@MaxHillebrand pls try this https://github.com/molnard/WalletWasabi/releases/tag/debrec

What is the next step here? I guess the solution needs to be verified.

Merged that into the master, pls update this PR. After that @MaxHillebrand can you build the deb and verify if this works?