
Results 9 issues of mo-saeed

Hello, azure devops api version 6.1 is available, would be great to include it.

Hello, I am trying to use service_endpoint_client to create a new azure ARM service connection, here's the code I am using: ``` core_client = self.__get_connection().clients_v6_0.get_service_endpoint_client() try: azure_arm = core_client.create_service_endpoint( {...

**Description** docker scan command fails with local image after docker build step. ``` docker scan kubernetes-template:202201130950 10:53:07 Failed to scan image "kubernetes-template:202201130950". Please make sure the image and/or repository exist,...

As pod security policy is deprecated, we want to clean up the whole resources related to pod security policy - policies ``` calico-apiserver false RunAsAny RunAsAny MustRunAs MustRunAs false configMap,emptyDir,projected,secret,downwardAPI,persistentVolumeClaim,hostPath...


Hi, I tried to follow the same procedure as here using user-assigned managed identity but in the pod log i see this error ``` E1026 12:41:17.836791 1 token_credential.go:49] "failed...


**What would you like to be added**: The current situation is: - shared K8S cluster in one AWS account - Team A's pods need to access only team A's AWS...

Hello, is there any way to add label to fluentbit service account through helm chart installation?

Hello, I have 2 questions regarding terraform resource - Regarding the deprecation message, I understand that `ism_template` in the policy definition can pick automatically the new indexes and it...


Hi, As discussed in this thread I am having login issue using `aws eks get-token` command. I see that in the browser devtools console ``` auth failed: Error: Forbidden...