Michael Neuwert

Results 10 issues of Michael Neuwert

### Just a collection of Ideas Right now we show list of albums and then user can open the album and upload assets from this album. - [ ] (1)...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** - Adapt new UI improvements in `UISearchController` (ability to control when e.g. results are shown) - Adopt `UISearchTextFiled` and `UISearchToken`...

feature: file searching

In the new diagnostic screen we would like to see information about background tasks executed by internal scheduled task manager: new media detection and uploads, background refresh etc. ### TASKS...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** iOS allows shooting so called "live-photos" which iOS stores in the photo library as two tied together media assets: JPEG...

## If you found a bug: Server replies with HTTP 404 -> App is stuck in the state where it displays an error repeatedly. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Make...


## If you found a bug: Server replies with HTTP 400 -> App is stuck in the state where it displays an error repeatedly. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Make...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Right now we use `QLPreviewController` editing mode for PDF markup. The problem is however that it is not easy to...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Right now document scanner is exporting PDFs with each page embedded as JPEG compressed image with fixed compression rate of...

In the iOS client we do use background queues quite a bit. But AFAIK we mostly stick to `DispatchQueue` with `QoS` set to background. Which is probably fine but I...

## If you found a bug: Not really a bug but very naive implementation of double tap to zoom. The image is always zoomed to the middle. Instead of calling...
