Michael Neuwert

Results 15 comments of Michael Neuwert

I would also like to switch to 4.0 as cocoapod. Thanks in advance! Please provide the pod spec!

@CarolinaCst We use a black box document scanner solution from iOS Vision framework. And this UI is provided by the system component. Nothing we could easily change. In case system...

Actually what is described here is expected since we use `UIBackgroundTask` mechanism from pre iOS13 which is meant to finish some activity in a timely manner. Legacy app used location...

@hosy I am somewhat against using location changes. Also iOS has became much more restrictive towards apps using background location. `UIBackgroundTask` can only be triggered from running app. Background refresh...

Moving back to backlog. Can't be really solved since the app can't really work with background NSURLSessions. Right now there are two possibilities: - Wait until Apple fixes the bug...

@hosy yeah, would be useful IMHO. @michaelstingl I think that the system view scanner is using already has cropping / rotation etc. When you tap scanned page, you will see...

@michaelstingl @hosy what would be cool for document scanner is to try to add OCR (sort of) using Vision framework. There is `VNRecognizeTextRequest` which returns . We could add recognized...

@michaelstingl @mneuwert Another improvement for scanner would be also to add some control over JPEG compression allowing the user to choose a right compromise between quality and size (low, med,...

@michaelstingl Created #724

> Maybe a smarter way to multiselect? Swipe/drag anything? @mneuwert any ideas? @michaelstingl I think we could just adopt two-finger drag to select introduced in iOS13 for table and collection...