Michele Memoli

Results 33 comments of Michele Memoli

To be honest, I freaked out. Between that and [spending $30k in 72 hours](https://hackernoon.com/how-we-spent-30k-usd-in-firebase-in-less-than-72-hours-307490bd24d) I decided it wasn't worth it and moved away. I think that's more of reflection of...

@VincentDufour I didn't. I wasn't part of that engineering team. From my link to the blog post describing their disaster: > This means that every session to our site read...

I use the trick of adding a custom Mutation to do what I'm after: ``` CreateChildObjective(name: String!, parentId: ID!): Objective @cypher( statement: """ MATCH (p:Objective { id: $parentId }) MERGE...

Assuming your answer to @Joshfindit is yes… welcome to #144. Why 144? Follow the advice of @johnymontana by adding a `@relation` to your `Spend2` type: ``` type Spending2 { club:...

@viktorstrate Are you happy to share your custom resolver? I'm hoping it'll help me get to the bottom of #144.

I had to install `babel-plugin-transform-runtime` to get this to work. Here's a snippet from my package.json ``` "dependencies": { "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.23.0", "graphql": "^14.3.1", "neo4j-driver": "^1.7.5", "neo4j-graphql-js": "^2.6.2", .... } ```

No dice for me. I don't actually want `IS_PLAYER` relationships or `StatPlayer` nodes in my DB as I'm trying to return a dynamic property: ``` type Project { id: ID!...

❤️ that we're coming at this from different side. FYI: I just pushed an example with `tailwind-config` as a [separate, buildable nx lib](https://github.com/ben-rogerson/twin.examples/pull/38/commits/f8469de3793ab956c46400300c60315e002b1cea). It'd be great to get your thoughts...

@anymaniax link's broken. I see it here: https://github.com/ben-rogerson/twin.examples/blob/40b72ecb875b0610ddcb0a50c9a0d3d055df6b59/nx-workspace-styled-components/apps/web/tailwind.config.js

I'm utterly stumped on trying get `twin.macro` + `emotion` + `nx-workspaces` to play nice with each other. I've tried following the [advice of @ben-rogerson](https://github.com/ben-rogerson/twin.examples/tree/master/component-library-styled-components) to no avail: > The trick...