Michele Memoli

Results 33 comments of Michele Memoli

Figured it out by following the advice here: https://github.com/kentcdodds/babel-plugin-macros/issues/135#issuecomment-761079720 Would you like me to add an example as I mentioned? twin.macro is super awesome – we should make it as...

Of course. **Theme** Custom Tailwind Configuration **"New Lib"** "Library" is nrwl's name for just another package in their monorepo structure. From the [docs](https://nx.dev/latest/react/tutorial/08-create-libs): > Libraries are not just a way...

> I did a repository with nx, twin.macro and styled-components and I wanted to have a tailwind config by project. To do it I did the following [script](https://gist.github.com/anymaniax/1187d1139f3b634a82d2fdd5d1d06b37) that I...

> hey @arbaaz yes progress is still being made, just slower than I would have liked. > > I currently have pixi working inside a webworker using `OffscreenCanvas`. Here's a...

Been studying the others packages. looks like the `@liveblocks/client` has the crucial `useRerender()` hook. I don't know enough about the internals to know why that's important, but in my code...

Did anyone come up with anything?

This worked for me: (note: I'm re-routing to "/me"): ``` const re = /^\/([\w-]+)\/me/; exports.onCreatePage = async ({ page, actions }) => { const { createPage } = actions; const...

Thanks @onehassan This is crazy critical for us because it keeps triggering on prod every 10mins and we have no way to fix.

Disappointed with the response from @dbarrosop Reads like, "not our problem until you can prove that it is". You're always going to be bombarded with issues that feel isolated like...

@onehassan you're so close. This will make a huge difference to us. Keep going buddy!