Michal Lison
Michal Lison
Yep I'll have to check it out. Will get back to you.
@psufoxman that sounds more like it's related to #10
@F1LT3R I've tried replicating this multiple times, but can't seem to reproduce it. If you're still having this problem, could you please provide some additional details about the environment you're...
It doesn't sound like a bad idea at a first glance, looks like useful information when debugging the test (although as a personal preference it probably wouldn't be my first...
Not at the moment, but it's one of the first things on the list. if I ever get some free time to implement it..
This sounds like something that would be easier to do by orchestration, e.g. you would set cleanDestination to false, and remove the report manually prior to running protractor (similarly this...
same issue, also on mac
same issue, also on mac
@kmc059000 Well there's https://www.npmjs.com/package/protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter you can check out, but it is still very basic.