Michal Lison
Michal Lison
Nope, I haven't actually seen this one yet. I wonder what could be the problem here - the reporter / webdriver itself shouldn't be doing any network requests to begin...
@x-max not really, I haven't had much time for this project as of late.
Good question. The output of browser's console doesn't get captured by the reporter itself, but to my understanding you can indeed access it via Protractor directly (`browser.manage().logs()`). The next question...
Not for this use-case, no, but there's a generic example on how to use metadata builder in the docs: https://github.com/mlison/protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter#metadata-builder-optional
> There are seriously no good/maintained testing libraries based off protractor are there. @Benno007 yes this project is simply no longer a priority _for me_. If you feel like you...
I actually don't know, but this process.nextTick trick has been known not to work for everybody.
While this is not impossible in principle, I'm not sure how useful it is really - why not just record a video instead? There's protractor plugins that can already do...
Ah, those must be missing as dev dependencies - but I think that should only be when you run tests, yes?
No, not at the moment. The only way I can think of quickly, is to run your tests as separate processes with separate configs for each browser, but whether that...
Actually screenshots _should be_ written when spec is finished (when the runner calls .specDone method of the reporter), but the report itself is only generated when the whole run is...