protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter copied to clipboard
Client Logging Data Available in Report
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, and more over, I am unsure if this is something that belongs within the scope of this project, but it is something I would find useful and something I am sure others would find useful as well.
I would like to be able to see the narrative of steps taken in a particular test case, similar to the way RobotFramework reports show it, I have looked briefly into the way you get data in your reporter. Specifically using Jasmine's baked in result object that has access only to the following properties.
result = {
description: this.description,
fullName: this.getFullName(),
failedExpectations: [],
passedExpectations: [],
pendingReason: ''
This is useful, but for selenium reporting there is a lot more involved than simple expectations i.e. A shit ton of navigation and configuration. If you added a "client" logger in the capabilities object you have access to logs that look like:
Executing: [add cookie: hp=990f61ff-6005-4522-8b97-080773dedd2c; path=/])
Done: [add cookie: hp=990f61ff-6005-4522-8b97-080773dedd2c; path=/]
Executing: [set window size])
Done: [set window size]
What I would like is a way to have access to loggers that were declared in the capabilities object.
I have jimmy rigged your framework to send my desired data to your reporter, but I was wondering what your thoughts on this were and if you had any plans on going in this direction.
It doesn't sound like a bad idea at a first glance, looks like useful information when debugging the test (although as a personal preference it probably wouldn't be my first pick). I'll have to look into these loggers first and see if / what would be a sensible way to incorporate them into the reporting mechanism.