Mickael Lecoq

Results 47 comments of Mickael Lecoq

> for react-native-redash, a PR fixes the issue : https://github.com/wcandillon/react-native-redash/pull/493 > > > > More than using `Extrapolate`, it was using `Animated.Extrapolate` the cause of the issue Upgrade to react-native-redash...

It works fine, I just have a warning on Android ``` Warning: Cannot record touch end without a touch start. Touch End: {"identifier":0,"pageX":0,"pageY":0,"timestamp":9254099} Touch Bank: [null,{"touchActive":true,"startPageX":320.75054931640625,"startPageY":507.40625,"startTimeStamp":9253217,"currentPageX":320.75054931640625,"currentPageY":494.23553466796875,"currentTimeStamp":9254092,"previousPageX":320.75054931640625,"previousPageY":501.5003662109375,"previousTimeStamp":9254076}] ```

Same issue and it was due to 2 versions of RxJS in my dependencies : WatermelonDB used 7.x and WithObservables 6.x Adding ``` "resolutions": { "rxjs": "^7.3.0" }, ``` solves...

For my part `fallback: 'blocking'` works fine but `fallback: true` leads to a next js error

Hi, I have made a separated PR: see #1391 because I need to be able to deactivate animation only for distant tabs (I need to keep them for neighbor tabs)

After the error on header screen appears, sometimes my app freezes on navigation then crashes and I have the following error about `react-native-screen` ``` java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 1 at...

Hi, I also have an infinite loop on error. In my case removing `` has stopped this issue

@Kerumen I'll make it soon (tomorrow)

> Hey @mlecoq, thanks for your PR! Can you rebase this with the main branch? I will review this once you rebase it and test it again current pager-version. Done...

> Also just for naming, please remove the `tabBar` prefix and change the name to `gap` to match the CSS property which does the same thing @okwasniewski Thanks for your...