Mickael Lecoq

Results 47 comments of Mickael Lecoq

We need this first https://github.com/facebook/yoga/pull/1116

@mikehardy here you can find 2 pictures (one which works, the other fails) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZTUkZ1DYZ4AEeYvlCzcIvcIDZz9PC_e5?usp=sharing

We were in a rush and decided to let users notify us when they couldn't connect - so a manual solution

@cmdparkour after making this modification, I have now more this error but I still cannot build my project, I have this error ``` * What went wrong: Execution failed for...

> Looks nice, but please either add relevant support to `adapter/lokijs` too, or at least, add a check that will throw an Error when attempting to construct a loki query...

Hi, I am interested in this feature too. @Kenneth-KT's PR looks to be dropped, am I right ?

Ok, I will not use it right now, I think that I will start to implement search next March ou April. If PR is still not merged, I will create...

Hi @Productivix You can customize the kotlin version in your project ``` Make sure the kotlin version is set to 1.3.50 or above. Just set ext properties `kotlinVersion` in `android/build.gradle`,...