Mikhail Kondratyev

Results 12 comments of Mikhail Kondratyev

Hello. Could you send full traceback please? It's hard to tell what's wrong exactly from such short message. Right now it looks like there is some issues with your `gdal`...

Hello Nick! This looks like the raster_tracer tries to trace not over black but over gray pixels. But I have no idea why it keeps tracing gray pixels even after...

> Strange thing is that it is repeats the shape of black contour, but with displacement, so it is could be transformation problem. Things like that could happen also due...

First of all, it can only trace local raster files. So don't try to trace OpenStreetMaps. Second, check what color space your image has. For more detail see "What image...

Hi Nicolas. Thank you for the report! It looks like the problem is has to do with the projection of your raster layer. Could you specify the project CRS and...

Hello guys! I face the same issue in `vispy` when I work with context menu on a `vispy` widget. Please look at the following question on stackoverflow. It looks like...

@djhoese thank you for the prompt response. I have removed the Dock widget from the MWE. ```python import sys from PyQt6.QtWidgets import ( QApplication, QMainWindow, QHBoxLayout, QWidget, ) import numpy...

It looks like the `Interactor` Class of `pyvistaqt` is inherited from `QWidget` https://github.com/pyvista/pyvistaqt/blob/9df3c4bc7757dd3d821d114807e00a4838ebb508/pyvistaqt/plotting.py#L146

Hi @djhoese, sorry for the delay in the answer I've missed the notification. And thank you for trying to narrow down the problem. I've checked that `Interactor` is inherited from...

@djhoese, [Here](https://github.com/pyvista/pyvistaqt/issues/196) is the discussion about the pyvista throwing ``` QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1 ``` But I'm not sure if this error is ever connected...