Michael Kemmerzell
Michael Kemmerzell
Any updates on this? We also struggle with this issue as we have 2 AGIC for a single cluster.
so we figured out this not so nice workaround to fix this temporarely and to be able to upgrade to 1.5.1 (and then to Kubernetes 1.22): 1. Delete the current...
I am not able to fix this issue with the annotations mentioned here (using Java 11, Lombok Plugin @Slf4j + PowerMockito 2.0.4), sadly. Any further ideas? I am using the...
We were able to fix it. We missed 1 class that was using PowerMock so we had to add the annotation there as well, thanks for the help @lzcjames
@toddysm We are looking forward to this feature. The Soft-Delete would improve the security a lot 👍 Is the estimated release for mid 2022 still valid?
Almost done. Weirdly enough I have to create a tmp folder manually in the /target for the tests to run correctly. The Rule for the temporary folder seems to have...
I merged https://github.com/jenkinsci/thin-backup-plugin/pull/34 into this branch so it is based on your pom updates now.
I found a solution to why the temp folder of `@Rule` was not created on my Windows system. IntelliJ seems to somehow interfere the System variable for `java.io.tmpdir` to something...
> > 1. Delete the current IngressClass "azure-application-gateway" > > @mkemmerz Can you please share details on how did you do this? :) This is a very good question 😥...
Any updates ? Definetly needing this feature as AAD Pod Identites is deprecated and will be archived in September 2023: https://github.com/Azure/aad-pod-identity#-announcement