
Results 7 comments of mtkastner

I wish nodegit wouldn't need native builds. Or at least not built with node-gyp. node-gyp has been a pain in the – you know, the place, where the sun doesn't...

@getspooky Thanks for your postive response to my _musings_ on the router. Yet, I was more leaning toward the idea of the router events being fired only once, when the...

Despite its shortcomings I prefer netrw to any other tree implementation. It would definitely be a great step ahead if the files were presented with icons.

Thank you very much! That's a workable solution. I am wondering, why you don't drop the use of jquery anyway. Since rivets works with plain JS, doesn't the jquery specific...

_If_ the rationale behind the support of jquery was based on browser support for [add|remove]EventListener, then it comes down to browser statistics. And then the remaining question is the one...

I would really love to see this issue solved because it's still around. I've tried to change the for loop like @Leeds-eBooks described it, an the error does not happen...

What a pity! I'll go back using handlebars. The file based router is really nice though.