Mikhail Kuryshev
Mikhail Kuryshev
Sorry, I'll pass. Played with other webdav server implementations and came to conclusion that webdav doesn't fit my needs.
Sure, I'll try to think of the best way to achieve the result, I had never used fedora copr before. I plan also to add script to build an rpm...
I think I can do it. The only things I yet noted that JSDoc doesn't support intersection types (just enumerate all possible properties and their types) and literal values (just...
I did basic stuff (https://github.com/mk0x9/io-ts-codegen/commit/f720056209dfe76cae1aa380224dacbfdb392582), but merging type definitions with same properties would take some time later.
It kinda defeats purpose of ADVANCED optimizations. I'll attach examples later, probably at the evening, showing what it is and why I'm doing this.
Here you can find brief description about GCC's advanced optimizations: https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/compilation_levels#advanced_optimizations And here is useful introduction to GCC: https://github.com/roman01la/closure-compiler-handbook
Silly question, but what's tide is doing with tslint? Why there is need from tide's side to eslint while we have flycheck? Except for `tide-add-tslint-disable-next-line`.
Same here, using fcitx, can't even switch to russian/japanese layout from english one.
@CyborgMaster You can actually [narrow buffer](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Narrowing.html) down to region inside script tags and change major mode to js2-mode.