Michael S.
Michael S.
Thank you, @MaximilianHeidenreich! Was having the same problem and your snippet fixed it right up. I'm using the [Obsidian Nord Enhanced](https://github.com/AidanGlickman/obsidian-nord-enhanced) theme, FWIW.
That is a semi-viable workaround, but I see a couple of issues with it. First, the default keybindings json is read only, and would require more effort for a standard...
FWIW, the behavior described by @dokmanc and `1.` in @ellannjohnson's, above is described in the [docs](https://uphy.github.io/obsidian-reminder/guide/list-reminders.html#overdue-reminders), making it seem like intended behavior. Personally, I would still consider it unwanted behavior,...
On further investigation, it looks like it may be a side-effect of using system notifications, as described in #5. However, I'm going to do some tinkering and will submit a...
@pxtl I'm here because I'm _**unwilling**_ to unfollow Cory Doctorow 😂, though the long threads are super inconvenient when it comes to scrolling Would love to see a fix!
So this one's been vexing me for a bit, but I've run down what I think are some related causes. - I believe it's partially related to 410c3a886e117e6a79849190aa0e9a9e64e56608 with the...
Can confirm I'm seeing the same on RHEL 7.9 with netcdf-c v.4.9.2 (hash 9328ba1) and netcdf-fortran v.4.6.1 (hash 138a6b7)
Well... I believe I may have identified the issue. Namely, based on a chance conversation with a colleague, I discovered that the `cmake`-based build does not appear to work properly,...
> Out of curiosity, @mjs271 do you have an older version of libnetcdf on your system that the cmake-based build was picking up? It seems unlikely that this is the...
Glad to help out tracking this down. It looks like my netcdf-c (turns out I ended up building at the tag v4.8.1) version was, unbeknownst to me, built without szip...